Fire Safety Mock Drill at H3 Pre-school

Our top priority at H3 Pre-School is the safety and well-being of our students and staff. For this reason, we have put in place Fire Safety Mock Drills to enact a safe evacuation process for all those on our premises.

Preparedness is key as the world we live in today has become very unpredictable. Whether it is a fire, earthquake, flood or any other unforeseen event, knowing how to evacuate safely can greatly influence the number of lives saved. Thus, at H3 Pre-school we are taking an active step by training our students, teachers and support staff on how to properly evacuate.

By calling Fire Safety Experts at the school premise, H3 demonstrated and reiterated its utmost importance and priority for safety of its students. The Fire Safety Mock Drill is a decisive action aimed towards preparedness and proactive actions to be initiated by children and staff in case of an emergency situation, be it at home or a public place, indoors or outdoors.

Our goal through Savdhan Drill & Training programme is to achieve National Disaster Management guidelines that require us to vacate within 4 minutes or less. In case of an emergency, this extensive training will enable our students and educators answer appropriately.

The goals of our Fire Safety Mock Drills involve coming up with and developing comprehensive evacuation plans, marking and planning exit routes, demarcating assembly points as well as training internal Safety Champions to run drills throughout the year. The safety and security of all residents of H3 Pre-School are always prioritized as our staff and students are always prepared for any situation that may arise out of emergency circumstances.

Parents in search of a responsible, reliable, safety-conscious institution for their children aged 1.5 to 7 years can count on H3 Pre-School. Our main aim is to make sure that our young learners have safe learning zones through prioritization of fire prevention measures.

Children will receive specific age-group appropriate instructions during evacuation drills so that they understand what to do in case of fire outbreaks, earthquakes or other disasters. Teachers and support staff will also go through thorough training in order to effectively lead and assist evacuations.

At H3 Pre-School, we celebrate safety, readiness and continuous improvement efforts by exemplifying this commitment through our Fire Safety Mock Drills which assure a safe and nurturing environment for everyone living within the community.

Come join us at H3 Pre-School where safety is paramount as we strive towards a brighter future for our little ones.

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